Labels:book | poster | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: Chapter 10 -Utilitiy Modules 15-1 and the source code of the definition of aWord will appear on the screen with the statistics on the left side of each line Turn printing on first for hard copy. Profile and showP are in DebugMod Profiling works by putting breal kpoint on the instruction corresponding to each source line There is thus few instructions overhead on each line which will sfightly skew the timing results for lines such as aValue IF which only contain one instruction anyway. We try to minimize this effect by not counting time while the profiling code itself is running but the breakpoint trap and the return instruct tion (RTE) op take number cycles. Use your common sense. Also for processor independence, we use Mac ticks (1/60 secs to count time Therefore the pioM being profiled o ...